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You're on this page nearly likely because you lot have encountered the VIDEO MEMORY MANAGEMENT INTERNAL Blue Screen error on your Windows 10 device. The fault bug bank check has a value of 0x0000010E. This indicates that the video retentivity manager has encountered a status that it is unable to recover from. In this postal service, nosotros will quickly identify the cause as well as provide the most suitable solutions you tin can endeavor to successfully resolve the issue.


This bug cheque is unremarkably caused past a corrupt video driver that is behaving improperly.

The VIDEO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL bug check has a value of 0x0000010E. This indicates that the video retentiveness manager has encountered a condition that it is unable to recover from.


If yous're faced with this effect, you lot tin try our recommended solutions below in no particular order and see if that helps to resolve the consequence.

  1. Run the Blueish Screen Online Troubleshooter
  2. Update video/graphics drivers
  3. Run application in Compatibility Mode
  4. Run SFC scan
  5. Run DISM scan
  6. Perform System Restore

Let's take a await at the description of the process involved concerning each of the listed solutions.

If you can log in normally, good; else you will accept to kick into Safe Manner, enter Avant-garde Startup options screen, or use the Installation Media to boot to be able to carry out these instructions.

1] Run the Blue Screen Online Troubleshooter

When attempting to set BSOD errors, you tin can run the Blue Screen Online Troubleshooter. This sorcerer designed by Microsoft tin hands help in resolving the issue.

If, the Troubleshooter is unable to fix the result, y'all can attempt the next solution.

2] Update video/graphics drivers

Equally already pointed out, this BSOD error is acquired by a video driver behaving improperly. In this case, you tin can either update your drivers manually via the Device Managing director, or y'all can get the driver updates on the Optional Updates section nether Windows Update.

You lot tin download the latest version of the video driver from the manufacturer's website and install it.

3] Run application in Compatibility Style

If you experienced this issue while trying to run an installed awarding on your Windows 10 device, you can endeavour running that awarding in compatibility mode and encounter if the BSOD fault is triggered again.

If the issue is still unresolved, attempt the adjacent solution.

four] Run SFC scan

System File Checker (SFC) is a utility native to Windows x that allows PC users to scan for and restore corruptions in Windows arrangement files.

5] Run DISM scan

When your Windows 10 computer is facing issues with start up, performance or 'unexpected' errors including BSODs – i of the kickoff things in the tool box is the System File Checker which volition detect and replace any corrupted or missing files on the local image.

However, there are times when the issue resides deeper inside the epitome that the SFC but can't repair. In these situations, the next best choice is to run DISM scan to attempt to repair the underlying issue.

6] Perform System Restore

Every bit a last option, this solution requires y'all to restore your system to an before point. This will restore your system to an earlier betoken when the arrangement was working correctly.

Hope this helps!


Obinna Onwusobalu, has studied Information & Communication Engineering and is a keen follower of the Windows ecosystem. He runs a computer software clinic. He says it'southward best do to create a System Restore Indicate before making whatsoever changes to your PC.


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