
Windows 11/10 computer shuts down instead of Sleep

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Windows 11/ten operating arrangement is packed with a ton of features. Many of the features are related to turning off computers in different states so that power can be saved at dissimilar levels. Information technology lists out equally Shut down, Restart, Hibernate, and Sleep. But some users have been reporting an result where their calculator shuts downward when they endeavor to go it on to Slumber.

There can exist several causes for this effect. It includes a bug related to theIntel Management Engine Interface (IMEI)driver or any misconfiguration in the power settings of the BIOS or UEFI. In this article, we will be checking out different fixes by which nosotros can fix this event.

Computer shutting down instead of Sleep

Calculator shuts downward instead of Sleep

If your Windows reckoner shuts downwardly during Sleep or shuts down instead of Sleep/Hibernate, there might be driver bug. Here'south what may assist you lot fix the issue.

  1. Run Power Troubleshooter.
  2. Troubleshoot Driver issues in Clean Boot.
  3. Reset or Update BIOS.
  4. Run the Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report.

ane] Run Ability-Troubleshooter

Run the Ability Troubleshooter and let it fix the issues if any are found.

Open the Windows Settings App. Navigate to the following location within it: Update & Security > Troubleshoot.

Select the entry forAbilityand select the button that says Run the troubleshooter. Follow the on-screen instructions to fix this result.

2] Troubleshoot Driver issues in Clean Kick

Mayhap some Driver or program is causing this trouble. When the figurer enters the Slumber Mode, Windows sends a signal to all devices to enter the Sleep manner. But if the driver is decadent, it might not respond and may forbid the figurer from shutting downward or entering sleep mode, resulting in a restart. Boot in Clean Boot State and try to isolate the offending program or driver by disabling one program afterwards the other.

You may want to also update the Intel Management Engine Driver from their official website hither and install it like any other driver. This has been known to help Intel-based systems.

iii] Reset or Update BIOS

Reset the BIOS Configuration and bank check if that fixes your issues. Or then, perhaps you demand to update your BIOS.

Unless you are well-versed with this role, we suggest yous practice non try it yourself, merely instead take it to a technician.

4] Run Power Efficiency Diagnostics Study

If nothing helps, peradventure y'all need to run the Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report and see if it throws upwardly something.

Let us know if anything helped.

A Windows computer tin face several other Sleep-related issues. Maybe some of these posts will aid yous someday.

  1. Hibernate shuts down the figurer
  2. Prevent Computer from waking upwardly from Slumber
  3. Windows computer goes to Sleep too early
  4. Windows goes to sleep automatically
  5. Windows will non wake up from Sleep Mode
  6. Windows does not go to sleep
  7. Slumber Fashion is not working in Windows
  8. Windows figurer wakes from sleep automatically
  9. Wake upwardly computer from Sleep, at a particular time.

Windows will not Shutdown or Restart

Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the unabridged post & the comments first, create a System Restore Indicate before making any changes to your system & be careful virtually any tertiary-political party offers while installing freeware.


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