
Process Manager for Windows lets you manage processes easily

Many a time while using Windows Os, you face difficulties with unresponsive Windows or Loftier CPU or Disk Usage issues or suspicious software. The system ultimately gets stuck with these issues, and you have to either look for the system to become responsive again or impale programs by using Windows Job Manager. Here is a Task Manager culling software that can provide you multiple control over foreground processes and it is chosen the Procedure Manager for Windows.

The application justifies the tagline given by its developers – "Your life volition exist easier than it was e'er before" as it carries various advantages when compared to the traditional Windows Task managing director.

Process Manager for Windows PC

The setup file is less than 500 KB, and it does not have more than 1 minute to complete the installation. However, the application does require .Cyberspace Framework to be pre-installed on the PC for the installation to complete; else it prompts users to install the aforementioned.

After installation, click on the Process Manager icon from Arrangement Tray to open the primary software window equally shown below.

Process Manager for Windows

Here is the list of important features of Procedure Director:

1] Kill option for killing programs

This is the most useful feature that you lot will enjoy the well-nigh.

The menu displays a "Impale" option that allows y'all to direct kill any application or file or directory or any unwanted programme.

Process Manager for Windows

There is also an option of "Kill all" that would free your hung organisation instantaneously. The Impale selection has truly made managing all the open processes quite easy that also from the tray menu.

Process Manager for Windows

2] Hide option for hiding all open tasks

The software menu displays a "Hide" option that allows you lot to hibernate all your open up tasks and directs you straight to the desktop.

Process Manager for Windows

Once hidden, the menu displays an option to "Unhide" and "Unhide all".

Process Manager for Windows

If yous select Unhide, a listing of all the open up tasks will be displayed for you to select the one to hibernate. Hide push has been given a trouble-free pick to showcase only required tasks at the moment.

Process Manager for Windows

iii] Language Tab for selecting the linguistic communication

This choice allows you to select one of the ten languages displayed in the drop-downwardly carte.  The best office is that users themselves tin can localize it in their language with options in the language driblet-down list.

Process Manager for Windows

At that place is also an option to take your language listed on the app. All the strings are read from a language file – XML file that makes it so piece of cake to change your language preference.

four] Preferences Tab for customization

Preferences tab gives an astonishing level of transparency for your applications.

Process Manager for Windows

It allows you to gear up your priorities level for "System carte du jour" and "Tray carte du jour", displays "Shortcuts" for all the menus and "Misc" tab to gear up your priorities.

Process Manager for Windows

These are the options bachelor nether the Shortcuts tab.

Process Manager for Windows

It also allows you lot to set the shortcut for Process Director in System Menu as shown below.

Process Manager for Windows

5] Remember Priority

It is 1 of the options mentioned on Preference menu. It helps you lot to prepare priorities and maintains it similar "Keep always on top", "Transparency" and many other options mentioned on the preference carte du jour listing. In one case you lot set the priorities, you lot can retain the aforementioned settings after the reboot as well, which is one function that is missing from our Windows Task Managing director.

vi] Cheque for Update

This tab allows you lot to check for updates.

seven] Tray Carte

The menus mentioned on the tray as well every bit on systems tin can be configured every bit per the user's convenience. You can set which menus yous would like to accept on the system bill of fare and which one on the tray carte or maintained the aforementioned menus on both as well. Such small things increment your convenience.

eight] Shortcuts

There is a shortcut for every menu mentioned in Preference menu.

One of the best features of Procedure Manager for Windows (PMW) is that information technology requires little RAM to function. Thus, when many programs are running in the background, there won't be much trouble in running PMW. One point to note is that this software was final updated in 2022, just nevertheless, it worked just fine on my Windows x PC,

Windows Process Manager is a useful little software that helps yous manage multiple processes, especially with its tray menu option. You can download Process Manager for Windows from here.

Process Manager for Windows


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