
tilly tacker glue

So I've been trying to do all the reasearch I can but I kept getting conflicting results.

I've cured a peice of Driftwood I found two months ago and have decorated it in spots with lichen and various mosses I found at my cabin. I've left bare spots for when I attach my Tillandsias and don't plan on having them anywhere near any of the moss or lichen..

Originally I was going to use wire to attach them to the wood, but I don't think that would work with my setup or look 'nice'.

I then was thinking of using the E6000 glue and attaching them that way as various places reccomended that. It seemed like it would be quick and easy. I personally like to have the option of being able to detach my Tillandsias as I prefer the soaking method but I guess I could adopt the spraying method. I kept reading up on it and all the sites said to use moss (a big no no) to hide the sealant or use wood chips and sand. Though, can't you just use very little sealant to attach them to the wood? In that you wouldn't be able to actually see the E6000? Or does it really need that much to fully stick on there?

I then read up on using Velcro to attach them but I couldn't find anything on exactly what that means or how to do so. I know you use valcro and blah blah but I don't understand how it connects to the Tillandsia or the wood. Has anyone tried this method?

The Tillandsias I plan to get are just small ones like Ionantha and Bulbosa with maybe one or two medium sized ones like Juncea or Brachycsulos. I know the wire could work for Juncea and the bigger types but I don't understand how it woukd successfully secure the Ionanthas as they're so compact...

In short there's all these methods and I've confused myself with them.

I'm trying to make it look as 'natural' as possible and globs of sealant or exposed wires just don't fit into my vision (if you could call it that)

Any recommendations?

Here's the picture of the Driftwood. It will hang on the wall in sorta that position. I'm not done yet with adding the lichen and moss, I thought I'd just hold off untill I got the Tillandsias to were I wanted them before I added anymore or if to see if I need to add anymore.

tilly tacker glue


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